Chris and I have been married for three years and we pretty much started “trying” to get pregnant after about six months of marriage. About four months into our marriage, I had a few polyps show up on a scan and the doctor recommended I have them removed but then said the side effects could make it harder for us to get pregnant. We decided to go ahead with the removal but immediately stopped birth control since we knew we wanted to have a family at some point. We know far too many people who have experienced infertility so wanted to start trying sooner rather than later – especially since we knew their COULD be complications.
I will say that we were just loosely trying at first. I wasn’t tracking any dates or special times of the month. At this point we were fine if we got pregnant and fine if we didn’t. I always reminded myself that God has a plan and whatever that might be, we are here for it.
Things went that way for the first year of no birth control. In January 2017 we decided to start keeping track of dates and we even started using ovulation kits. Still nothing. A few months of this not working, I started to question, is there something wrong with either of us. By this point, I had been tested and everything was looking good on my side, so Chris was off to the doctor to see if anything was going on on his side. Everything came back great and the doctors said to just keep tracking and keep trying – note, we hadn’t seen a specific infertility doctor at this point.
This process was starting to take an emotional toll on us. Especially as every friend around us seemed to be getting pregnant. I remember being so happy on the outside when another friend announced but behind closed doors I would cry and cry and wonder why aren’t we getting pregnant? I would say to God, “These people weren’t even trying, we’ve been trying for what seems like so long. Why them? Why not us”? Every time I would be comforted knowing that our time will come and to trust Him.
It was crazy because as much as we both wanted to be pregnant, there was a ton of other stuff going on in our lives. My business was growing and I was given opportunities to travel and projects to work on that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I was pregnant. Chris was working on a new project his company had recently won so he was traveling a ton too. As sad as we were that we weren’t pregnant yet, other amazing things were happening that we needed to be thankful for. Trust me, that thankfulness was hard but it’s just where we were.
In November of 2017, we decided to see an infertility doctor in hopes to get answers. A friend who was going through several miscarriages, recommended Dr. Hasty at Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine. She was amazing. We worked together on a plan of how we were going to bring science into the equation of getting pregnant and we left our first appointment feeling extremely hopeful! I don’t think it was a coincidence that the timing was right on track at this first appointment to get started with medicine, ultrasounds and potentially move forward with the first step. I think back on this appointment and thank God for his timing for us to start the path to get pregnant.
A few weeks later we did our first IUI transfer (Intrauterine Insemination). If you aren’t familiar with IUI, it’s a process where the doctor inseminates Chris’s sperm into the my cervix in hopes that it gets a “head start” to going through the tubes to meet an egg and implant in my uterus (bet you didn’t think you would get a science lesson here today). Once this part is done you continue to take oral medication that helps your chances and you wait until you either get a positive pregnancy test or start your period. Sadly, the first round didn’t work so we upped the dosage of medicine and started the process again.
We went through 3 rounds of failed IUI attempts before we decided to move onto IVF. I remember my emotions at this time were all over the place. I was so sad that one of the previous treatments didn’t work. In the same breath, I was so hopeful that IVF would work and just kept remembering that God has a plan. Even if that meant saying that out loud several times a day and in between tears as I saw more and more baby announcements.
I am extremely thankful that we were able to move into IVF treatments right away. If you know anything about the cost of fertility treatments, you know that IVF is nowhere close to cheap. Chris and I both have great jobs and we have a joint savings account that we have been working to fill since day one of marriage. This allowed up to start the treatment and preparations for the egg retrieval and implantation immediately.
First came the shots. Boy was this a fun time. To prepare for the egg retrieval, I was on oral medication along with taking daily shots. It was just one shot to start then as it got closer to the time they would remove my eggs, we were doing three different shots each day. All of these shots were in my stomach. I would rotate sides each day because the injections spot would bruise or would be sore for the previous day’s shot.
I remember feeling like holding a baby in my arms felt so far away as I was going through this time period. Seeing so many negative pregnancy test results, I wondered if I would ever see a positive. When it got to the day of our egg retrieval, I was scared but so excited to see how many eggs my body made with the help of medicine that month. They put you to sleep for a short time to retrieve the eggs. I was so excited when I woke up to find out that they retrieved 20 eggs!! That’s a TON! This was finally so good news that I knew we could work with!
We got a call a few days later that said they were about to make 13 embryos out of the eggs and sperm they had collected. They would watch them grow for the next 5-7 days and determine how many would survive. This is a point where you can either send the embryos off for genetic testing, you can implant them at the 5-7 day mark or you can freeze them to give your body a rest then implant at a later date. We decided against genetic testing of our embyros and deciding to freeze our first round of embryos and give my body a break for a few weeks. My doctor made this suggestion because I am young (at the time I was 29) so she said time was on our side. We ended up freezing 7 embryos which is a great number! I continued shots and medication in preparation for the embryo transfer to my uterus.
On May 21, 2018, we transferred 2 embryos! This was a crazy process. Crazy in the sense that it was sooo cool! Chris was able to scrub in and watch the whole process which made it even more special. We watched on the ultrasound machine as they inserted the embryos into my uterus. We literally saw these little blobs of life get added to my body. It was insane!
The waiting was 100% the hardest part. For the next 10 days we prayed and hoped and prayed and hoped that one or both would implant into my uterine wall. I remember starting to feel like something was happening in my body. I just had this feeling. On the 9th day, which was the day before we were supposed to go back to the doctor for blood work, we decided to take a pregnancy test that night. I was against the idea because I didn’t want to be disappointed but Chris convinced me we needed to know! So there in our bathroom, we sat for the longest 2 minutes of my life to see if the test would read PREGNANT. Chris looked first and told me to look and we both broke into tears as we read those amazing words on a plastic stick. We cried and held each other for a good ten minutes in shock that it was finally our turn to be parents. I’m crying as I write this right now because this time was so incredible and it’s something I will never forget.
We did the blood test the next day to confirm the results and hearing the doctor’s smile through the phone as she told me the news made me emotional all over again! All the tears and struggle and uncertainty was finally over. We were pregnant!!
We had an ultrasound at the 6 week mark to see the baby and to find out how many babies we were having. Again, we transferred 2 embryos with the hopes that at least one would implant. As the doctor pulled up the screen, we saw one sweet little heart beating. What a precious miracle!! I was a little sadden that both didn’t make it. It was bittersweet because our numbers from all the blood work during the previous 6 weeks led us to believe that we were more than likely having twins. Regardless, we knew their was a risk that they wouldn’t both implant so the fact that one did is amazing!
One thing I didn’t realize is that you continue taking some of the shots until you are 10 weeks pregnant. These were progesterone shots that helped the baby grow healthy over those first few weeks. So every night, Chris would give me a shot in the bum. Although these shots hurt each night, I was so happy to take them knowing they were helping our baby grow.
Today, we are 25 weeks pregnant. 25 weeks of growth has happened in my body. The thankfulness and love I feel for this baby girl every single day is something I cannot explain. We are 15 weeks away from holding this sweet miracle baby. These feelings of love and joy and happiness didn’t come easy. It’s been so incredibly hard to know the pain of infertility and to see other get pregnant with ease. Although, I never thought I would experience infertility, I’ve always known that the Lord would provide and that my strong desire to be a mother would one day become a reality.
My hopes in sharing our story is that it will give others courage and hope to know you aren’t alone. Through this journey, I’ve found that talking with friends and being open about our journey really helped me determine that it’s okay that this is our path. If you are in this season, I hope that you find peace in today’s blog post. Also know that even though I don’t know you personally, I’m praying for you. I’m praying that your prayers are answered and that you too will be able to hold a sweet little one some day.
xoxo, Brittany & Chris
[…] I cannot believe that I am in the third trimester as of today. This pregnancy has felt like the longest but at the same time it’s going by so fast! We found out we were pregnant very early due to going through IVF so we’ve had almost an extra four weeks to prepare and love our sweet little girl! If you are new to my blog, Chris and I did IVF to get pregnant with Collins. I have a full blog post on that HERE. […]
I am so incredibly happy everything worked out for you! God’s timing is quite undeniable. My husband and I struggled with infertility for 2 years, and we too didn’t understand why it wasn’t happening for us. We moved states due to my husband’s job and found a new clinic there. We welcomed our miracle March 2018. 🙂 Congratulations!! Being a mom is like nothing else!
Thank you for sharing your journey! I’m currently 20 weeks pregnant via IVF as well. Journey was hard but definitely worth it. God does have a plan and it all had purpose behind it. Wishing you the best throughout the rest of your pregnancy!
Congratulations to you & your husband. I too went through infertility. I was married in 2016 and we tried for 2 years. I went through 2 failed IUI’s, an IVF which then led to a miscarriage. We were heartbroken. My embryo was abnormal. We proceeded with a second IVF and went forward with genetic testing. I am 40 years old so unfortunately I have more abnormal embryos then normal. I wouldn’t put myself through another miscarriage. We implanted 2 healthy embryos and only one took. I am also 25 weeks pregnant now and I’m due February 3rd. Again, congratulations and I wish you all the best!
SOOOO happy for you !!!
I cried reading this. So happy for you guys and your beautiful blessing! Everything happens for a reason and you’re definitely getting a happy ending it just took a few turns to get there! Congrats! PS our baby girls will be born around the same time! I’m due February 3rd. I’m sure we will look to Collins for Kinsleys baby style inspiration ????
Congratulations to you both! Its refreshing to hear others be open with their stories. It’s also absolutely crazy how similar your story is to mine. I have a son with my previous marriage, he was conceived through IUI.
Ive been with my new husband for over 2 yrs & we’ve been trying to get pregnant since August 2017, however with my age (just turned 38) we didn’t wait long to seek fertility treatments. We did IUI in May & June & when they didn’t take we wanted to start IVF right away as our clocks are ticking. We started injections in September and due to a condition I have (PCOS) my body was overstimulated (23 eggs!) they only transferred 1 after 5 days. I too couldn’t take the 2 WW, I tested days before the blood test & got several positives! We went to the Dr and the blood test confirmed, I was pregnant. However it was met with immediate sadness, I started bleeding & within a few days I had lost the pregnancy, the Dr said it was a chemical pregnancy.
I believe we should have waited for my body to rest and it would’ve been successful. Luckily we have 15 embryos and are scheduled for another transfer on 12/20. We are hopeful and pray we can share a pregnancy announcement in 2019!
Congratulations again! The journey you two went through will only make you stronger together! All the love!
Hi Sweetie! First I’m so happy you are finally getting your sweet baby. I can’t even imagine how hard it’s been for you. I’m currently dealing with secondary infertility. I know it’s not the same at all but I do somewhat know the feeling when you want something so bad but it just won’t happen.
We had 2 healthy babies before we were even married ….completely by accident/surprise not even trying ….but we completely were not ready financially or in any other way so it was a struggle for us and our relationship. Fast forward years later our kids are 8 and 11 and we are married now ……..but now I’m at the point where I want a 3rd baby and it just wont happen. 8 years off birth control and nothing.
Last year i was diagnosed with PCOS, endometriosis and a hole in my uterus. I was shocked but relieved to finally get some answers. Even though wondered how i got pregnant before with PCOS but the doctor reassured me it probably developed after. Last November I had Robotic Laparoscopy to fix all of those issue and the doc reassured me I would be able to get pregnant again ….but here we are a year later and nothing.
However in my case my husband is completely against IUI or IVF because we already have 2 healthy kids. So we are insanely grateful and blessed to have had the first 2 with not trying but it is so frustrating that once you actually want it to happen it just wont. Every month I feel like crying ….and I have. I just sucks all the way around. But at the same time i’m grateful to have experienced motherhood and for the 2 i have.
Motherhood is such a blessing and so amazing and your sweet baby Collins is so blessed to have you as parents. You will be a wonderful mama!
Being a grandmother of five beautiful and unique grandchildren (4 of which are IVF) there are no words to tell you how blesssed i feel that God and science can totally work together to bring these miracles to us! Without the Big Guy working with science i wouldn’t have so many blessings! I’ve been lifting you up in my prayers each day because I’ve been through all the emotions you described with my daughter and daughter-in-law. Life is a roller coaster for sure! So happy for you and hubby and can’t wait until that little bundle is in your arms! Thank you for sharing story! Prayers continue to lift high!
Tears in my eyes as I write this – thank you for sharing, my heart aches for all the women who want a baby so badly because it is truly such a beautiful gift from God. Your story is so touching and gives a lot of hope.. and I’m looking forward to seeing your journey thru motherhood and seeing your beautiful (and most likely fashionable) baby!!
God is so good ❤️ Thank you for sharing this ❤️
Such a beautiful story. So happy for you all and can’t wait to see that little beauty!
Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing your story. As I read it I was literally in tears as it seemed like I wrote it myself. I had the same polyps removed a year and a half ago… although I wasn’t told that would make it harder to get pregnant so that worries me a little. We have been trying for 3 years with 3 unsuccessful IUIs and the 4th IUI was finally successful only I lost it after only a few weeks. We have taken a break the past couple months but are about to start the process again. Your successful story makes me hopeful. It is comforting to know that we are not the only ones going through this even though it feels like we are. Thank you for being brave enough to share your story. It’s a great reminder to know God does have a plan
I love hearing your story. I completed 6 rounds of IVF over seven years and finally had my miracle baby born on Valentine’s Day 2015. I know this struggle all to well it test your faith unbelievably and in turn restores it and the path that the lord has for you. I had a different feeling on the last round our last hope which was a frozen embryo from
Our first round. I felt the lords presence from the beginning to finding out I was pregnant which I wouldn’t take the phone call anymore I had my husband so he told me by saying hi hot mommy… throughout it felt different. So thankful. Congrats…. you are one of my favorite bloggers . Xoxo Haley
Thank you for sharing your story! I am 4 days away from my beta test as we just completed our first round of IVF. We struggled for many years but finally got the ok from The Lord to bring a little science into the mix! God bless you for using your platform to help other women going through this! And prayers for that beautiful baby you are bringing into this world!
Thank you so much for sharing your story! You never know who it is touching and I have so much excitement for you guys!
Omg Brittany I am crying big time over here reading this beautiful but super tough journey you and Chris have experienced. You are going to be the BEST parents and God was just waiting for the very perfect moment – I have no doubt that you will have many more beautiful babies to come!! Can’t wait for baby Collins to be here!!
God is so good! Congratulations, what an amazing journey!! And what a lucky little girl you will have! I could have written your story…it is all almost identical to ours! I mean almost every number and detail along the way. Except our first round IVF didnt stick past 8 weeks. And we had to do 5 more rounds of IVF (and another two miscarriages) before we ended up having twin boys! But what a faithful God we serve with big plans for all these babies.
So very happy for your both! Remembering HE has a plan is amazing! God bless you both in this most joyful time in your lives.????????
What a beautiful testimony! I pray god continues to bless and strengthen you! God is going to big things with this precious miracle! God bless you all and I am truly happy for you and your growing family!
It is nice to know they put you out for egg retrieval. 22 years ago they didn’t and it wasn’t a fun process. I got a valium is all. But we ended up with a healthy baby! Congrats to you!
What a great story. Yes, I cried! Tears of joy for you. I’ve never known this trial but I felt your pain in your story. I was married at 34 “tried once” at the age of 37 and bam, pregnant. But I have friends who have struggled. I definitely had guilty feelings when it happened for me so easily. Now that baby is 15 and rolling his eyes at me daily – haha. But what a joy and a blessing it is to be called MOM. I don’t know you personally but from following you I can certainly tell you will be an amazing mom. One day when Collins hears the story of how badly she was wanted she will SMILE!
I remember the day you posted you were pregnant. I don’t know why, specifically, but I had a feeling it was coming soon! I cried, but not like I have so many times over the past 3 years each time my period would show up, I took another pregnancy test only to see 1 line, seeing another pregnancy announcements, or when we finally did get pregnant, only to miscarry 10 weeks in. At the time, I was in CO visiting my husband where he works for 3 months each summer (during ovulation week- of course), in hopes that this month would work and we wouldn’t have to start fertility medications when he returned home. That month ended like all the rest- negative, but seeing your post brought hope and light into our path. One things for sure, you are paving the road for me to have a much cuter pregnancy, when the Good Lord decides it’s our time. Thank you so much for sharing your story! I love watching/reading all your posts and inspiration. My husband and I joke about you being my bff all the time! Month one of fertility meds is in the works- here’s to all the hope the positive vibes we can get!
Thank you for sharing your story, Britt! I had teared up with both sad and happy emotions reading this. So happy for you two!!!
Taylor |
So happy for you all. Infertility is so hard and often not talked about. It can be a very lonely process. I have 1 baby on earth and 2 angels in heaven and hopefully one day we will be blessed with a rainbow baby. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Being a mother is the hardest and most rewarding job ever. Blessings to your family.
Brittany ~
We have spoken before and so thankful that we both have success stories. This was our fourth round of IVF. The fourth being our Big Fat Positive!!! We have one frozen embryo left. I feel the more people speak about IVF the less people will feel ashamed or less than. We need to stand behind other couples who are going through IVF. It’s crazy emotional and crazy expensive !!! I’m 46, old AF but I never gave up !!! So happy for y’all!!!! Ladies if you are going through IVF their are people who will support you.
Your situation is very similar to mine and as I am writing this I am holding my 2 month old IVF baby boy. I was never as brave as you to share what I was going through with anyone but a few family members and close friends. Reading stories like yours always gave me hope and I know that others struggling with infertility will find comfort in your story. Thank you for sharing!
Oh Brittany, this post is so beautiful and it brought some serious tears to my eyes. I haven’t struggled with infertility but know many that have and I think that you are so brave and encouraging to others by sharing this post. I love following you on Instagram and watching you go through this exciting and wonderful time in life is so fun! Can’t wait for you to meet your sweet little miracle baby!!
So happy for you and love your blog… but your money/job comment in here is so tone deaf. How lucky for you that you could afford IVF immediately but a lot of us aren’t in your shoes and it came across smug. My husband and I are both teachers and will be scraping pennies for years for this procedure, as will a ton of other couples trying to conceive.
I’m sorry that’s what you got out of this whole post. We’ve been trying to get pregnant for 3 years so we have had 3 years to save for this treatment. The reason I mentioned it is because I have had countless people reach out asking what we did in regards to the cost, I am not numb to the fact that everyone is in a different situation nor did I assume that. If you had asked me a year ago if we could do this, the answer would’ve been no. I know the financial journey to get here is long but I’m confident that you will be to this point in your journey soon. At the end of the day, this is my platform to tell my story and that fact was just apart of it.
Such a wonderful story. Love following your sweet family & can’t wait to see a picture of Baby Collins when she arrives!
I’m thankful for people like you who share their stories. I have been inspired by you and a few other influencers to be more open and give people an opportunity to learn from what I’m going through. I had my first child naturally but don’t have such luck if I want a second. I was diagnosed with breast cancer so I will never be able to carry my baby but a surrogate can. I went through the egg freezing process and hoping next year someone is able to give me another little beautiful child. I wish you both great luck and am thankful that there will be people like you who will continue to raise other good humans in this world.
I have tears reading this! I too struggled with infertility for years. I did IUI for my first miracle and IVF for my second one. I am so grateful for my little miracles, who sometimes can be little terrors lol …. wouldn’t have it any other way. Congratulations lady! Motherhood is an amazing journey, although tiring, so so so rewarding! Your little girl is so blessed to have you as a mommy! 🙂
I teared up reading this! I had also always thought I would have “normal” fertility and not have to worry about this, but on a recent trip to the doctor, I discovered that I have some serious fertility issues and we need to explore IVF as soon as possible. It is so heartening to read about your own journey (and even that someone else survived all of the needles!) I’m sending so much love and wishes of good health to you + your husband + your new baby.
Crying over here. Thanks for sharing your story!!
I love this! I teared up a little bit just reading it. Congratulations! I am so excited for yall! We know we are going to need some science to get pregnant when that time comes so thanks for sharing your experience!
Randomly came across this blog and it’s crazy how similar our IVF stories are! We decided to move forward with the PGS and ours worked on the second try. We are now 35 weeks pregnant with a baby girl!! Congratulations and lots of prayers for continued blessings!!
Congratulations Brittany!! So happy for you and Chris!! Cannot wait to see baby Collins!!! Xoxo
THIS! Thank you thank thank you for sharing your journey. So happy for you and your husband! My sister went through IVF almost 10 years ago and it was a very lonely process for her, the more women share about it the less taboo it becomes. Thank you again for sharing and for being so strong to put yourself out there!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. We are working with ACRM for our infertility journey and begin IVF prep this month. It’s an encouragement to know you’re not alone in this process and others have seen success. Congrats on your little girl!!
Brittney, thank you so much for sharing your story with such honesty, vulnerablity, and encouragement. What a blessing to be able to use your platform to encourage so many woman. Not just those going through infertility, but any hard time. Yours is a beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness. ????
Thank you so much for sharing this ???? We are in the “middle” of this timeline I would say, where the tests look okay and we need to just “keep trying.” The part about others being pregnant and you being really happy on the outside and behind closed doors so upset- hit the nail on the head, sister. My biggest fear in life has been not being able to have children- even before I was married I had this fear. And now it feels like I’m living my fear, and not everyone understands that. I am so grateful for people like you & the willingness to share your story. Praying for you & your family as it continues to grow ????
“I’ve always known that the Lord would provide and that my strong desire to become a mother would one day become a reality.” (Thank you for this)
Congratulations! I’ve loved following your journey so far, as my husband and I are expecting our own little IVF miracle, Collins, any day now. We are so blessed!
I literally had tears as I read this. I too am pregnant and it really makes me appreciate the miracle of life even more to hear your story. Thank you so much for sharing! After I found out I was pregnant I said to my husband “My favorite blogger is pregnant too! Now I’m gonna be the most styling pregnant one out there because she’s gonna tell me all the good stuff to find!” Lol so happy for y’all!
I want to preface this by saying I have 3 adult “babies” but I wanted another but 9 miscarriages later that was not in the cards for me. I can relate to the shots the countless IUI attempts ( I would get pregnant but just couldn’t stay pregnant) and the roller coaster of emotions. I had been divorced so my first 3 children were from my first husband and it was in my second marriage that it didn’t work. He ended up leaving he just couldn’t handle not having his own children. It has been a journey but you hold God’s hand . Believe me I had to have my precious friends remind me and keep reminding me. Thanks for sharing this and good luck to all of you walking this journey now.
Congratulations ????????????????So happy for you both! My daughter Ashley is pregnant with her 4th due the end of November. It was a huge surprise for all of us as she was just a few days away from having a hysterectomy due to heavy bleeding and torn uterus. Her other 3 children are each 5-6 yrs apart due to trouble getting pregnant, so with her youngest (Maddie) being only 3 yrs old and Ashley had been bleeding the entire time since having Maddie, it was a sweet and unexpected surprise the Lord gave us another little one (boy)!!! Still this pregnancy brings its own challenges with being high risk with a torn uterus and now gestational diabetes and recently the baby being breach and possibly two big to flip now. I’ve been following you and have enjoyed your blog and hearing about your new little blessing too❤️ Much prayers for you and your little family. I’ll post pictures of Ashley’s new baby boy when he arrives and look forward to seeing your new baby girl! God bless!!
Wonderful wonderful .. God is good! Your little girl is blessed ..
Thank you so much for sharing. My husband and I are starting IUI in a few weeks. It is a comfort to know others are experiencing the same kinds of things. Wishing you all the best!
This is such a sweet story. I just started following you this year and was so excited about your pregnancy…even more so to find out that your precious blessing is an IVF baby. I also had major struggles with infertility but after 7 yrs and many failed ivf cycles and lots of $$$$. we are 16 wks pregnant with twins. Thanks for sharing. So many women go through this personal pain in silence, not knowing it’s actually very common. Blessings yo you and you family. Praying for a healthy and speady journey to holding your sweet girl.
Thanks for sharing! I needed this today as we’ve been trying for 14 months with 3 miscarriages. Your story keeps me hopeful!! Congratulations!!
Dear Brittany,
I’ve never posted on your site before today. I actually just found you a few months ago and have been following along quietly. Thank you so much for your story and kind words. My husband I weren’t quite as lucky as you and Chris as we only had one embryo to transfer following 3 rounds of IVF. Unfortunately, our transfer last month failed. I sincerely appreciate your prayers for people out there who are still trying to get pregnant.
We too struggled with infertility. I can so relate to the emotional roller coaster! We were able to get pregnant after 2 years of trying and have 2 beautiful girls, now young women ages 16 and 21. God bless your marriage and pregnancy! Thank you for sharing your story!
So happy for you! God is great! I can tell you will be wonderful parents. I really enjoy your blog as well.
So excited for you and Chris and Birdie. You are going to be an amazing Mom and Chris will be an amazing Dad and Birdie will be the bestest big sister. You are the cutest and sweetest and you are right, it is Gods timing and we just have to wait and accept it. Collins is one lucky little girl to already be surrounded by so much love and she has not even entered this world yet????????????
I read this with tears streaming down my face. My husband and I are currently in month 14 of trying (really trying) with no tiny human inside me. I love love love how real you were in this post. I can relate on so many levels! I’m so happy you have gotten your miracle baby and I can’t wait to see how beautifully you move into your role as momma in just a few months! ❤️
That was beautiful! Thank you for sharing! I’m crying over here! So thankful that God gives us the desires of our hearts, that he finishes the work he has started and that he keeps his promises! So happy for you all and appreciate your prayers for all your followers that you don’t know who are going through the same thing!
I’m gearing up to begin the IVF process in January. I really needed to hear your story since I don’t know anyone personally who has gone through IVF. We also share the same faith and it’s a great reminder for me to trust God. Trusting him has been one of my biggest challenges as this process can really put you through an emotional ringer. Thank you so much for being brave enough to share this story!
I loved reading this. So real and so vulnerable. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Such an amazing story to read! Love that you shared this. So excited for your growing family! ????
What a precious story. May God continue to bless your family.
Congratulations! I’m an IVF mom as well. Thank you for sharing your journey so boldly and speaking God’s name over the entire process. The wait is so hard and the journey is so long but God and his timing a so good. My husband and I try to talk about our journey whenever we can in hopes of bringing infertility to light and hopefully helping others to talk as well. Again, thank you for talking about what can be such a taboo topic. I know that the Lord will use your boldness to comfort and encourage others.
Ok let me wipe these tears. Such a beautiful story. Thank you so much for your vulnerability in sharing this!! Congrats on your beautiful gift. Parenting is the best job in the world!!
You are amazing! I’m so thankful to read your story. I sit here at work with tears in my eyes because the struggle is real and its also amazing. So happy for you and Chris and your family. I wish you (3) all the happiness and blessings to come in the next few months!!!!
I am going through this myself. I’m 35 we have had 6 iui we decided to move to ivf and just had my egg retrieval. We only had 4 embryos Don’t get me wrong I’m blessed to have those 4. I’m scared to be let down again. Unfortunately we are going through losing a family members as we speak so I have decided to wait transfer. I pray my transfer turns out like yours! Congratulations and thank you for sharing and for giving light on infertility. This subject seems to be such a secret for so many people. We need to talk about this and let other women know they are not alone!
Can’t wait to meet this bundle of joy!!!
Thank you for sharing your story. This seems to be more and more common these days (or at least more awareness is being spoken about) and I have more than a handful of close family and friends who are struggling. One friend is actually going in for the first bloodwork today to see if their second round of IVF has worked. Do you have any advice on how to be an encouraging friend? Prayers are always going up, but sometimes I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing. I do a lot of listening and I know there is nothing I can really say to make them feel better but…
???????????? so many tears of joy for you and Chris! So happy for you guys and I know you will be great parents. Seeing you glow these past few months has been wonderful to watch!
Hey friend….loved reading this story. I found your Instagram one day and have totally enjoyed watching your posts and stories everyday. Love your blog too. I totally feel like your one of my friends. Please know that I have been praying for you and your sweet little baby girl since you posted the exciting news! 🙂