We are five weeks into parenthood! Still blows my mind that this much time has passed. I wanted to give y’all an update on the baby gear we are using and loving. A majority of these items were gifted to us at our baby showers or items that came highly recommend to us by friends and family!
I’m going to share everything in list form & will write a review on the product if there is more info about it that y’all should know!
Car seat: Nuna Pipa Lite LX – we chose this car seat because of how lightweight it is. Have a safe, yet light car seat was a big deal to me because car seats can get heavy as your baby is growing. Collins loves this seat and falls asleep pretty much every time she is in it!
Stroller System: UPPAbaby Vista – It comes with a bassinet which we use in our room for a make shift diaper changing station.
Bassinet: we have the snoo set up in our room and that’s where she sleeps every night. We haven’t turned the snoo on yet because as we are following Mom’s on Call, they advise against the baby sleeping in a bassinet that will soothe them – they want the baby to self soothe. I love the swaddle system that comes with the snoo and think that alone is worth the money! We didn’t know about the self soothing suggestions prior to purchasing the snoo and maybe would have not since it is expensive. Ideally would be great for a little one with colic or other issues where a soothing mechanism might be desired.
Baby monitor: iBaby – it hooks up to WiFi and is an app on our phone. We can watch her from anywhere and it’s easily portable!
4moms Mamaroo: we don’t use this a ton. We probably would if it was her only swing.
Favorite Swaddles: we love the Swaddle Me swaddles and those are what we use for her naps. We also have an Ollie Swaddle and I plan to use that more when she outgrows her Swaddle Me swaddles
Favorite pajamas: I’ve loved the Cloud Island jammies from Target and the footie pajamas from Gap and Old Navy. All three have really held up nicely with multiple washes.
I think that’s everything! I’m sure I’ve missed something so I will continue to update this list! I would love to know your favorite products for your babies! Let me know in the comments below!
Our daughter is now 18 months and we started MOC when she was 3 months because I found out about it from a friend! We LOVE it. I hope you enjoy the MOC method as much as we did. Addison still sleeps through the night and naps great during the day. It does get difficult, but it’s so worth it! We’re now on MOC, the toddler book.
Our daughter is now 18 months and we started MOC when she was 3 months because I found out about it from a friend! We LOVE it. I hope you enjoy the MOC method as much as we did. Addison still sleeps through the night and naps great during the day. It does get difficult, but it’s so worth it! We’re now on MOC, the toddler book.
This a great list! Does the humidifier have a link?
I’d love a longer review on the UPPAbaby Vista!
Can you place the Nuna car seat in the uppababy vista stroller?