What I’m Packing in my Hospital Bag

9 January |

Thanks to y’all I have figured out what I’m packing for the hospital! I’m still in awe that we are already at this point of the pregnancy but I’m so excited that we are so close to meeting her! It’s also really weird to see a few packed bags in our room that are just “waiting to go”. EEEKKK!!

I came home last night and Chris said he wanted to show me something. We walked up the stairs and took me into Collins’ room and said, “Look, I packed my hospital bag”! Heart. Melted. There are probably a few more things I will add for him (my suggestions for the husbands are listed below) but I’m sure it’s a great start! And the fact that he packed his bag without me even having to ask makes this story even more exciting.

I did a lot of research and decided to go with the most commonly suggested items and well as a few ideas that I hadn’t thought of. For example, someone mentioned I should have a plastic container (something like this size) that we keep in the back of our car but bring in to carry home the flower arrangements that people bring or send to the hospital. I would have never thought to do that until we were packing up!

One of my readers sent me a long list and notes that she made during her second pregnancy that really helped her the second time around. I saved the list and then added to that based on what others told me. I also enjoyed reading Ashley Donielle’s blog post on this topic because after she had her daughter, she went back and added what she didn’t need and what she wished she had. Another great blog I read on this topic was by Lauren McBride. Both of their posts were extremely helpful as I started to create my list of things I needed at the hospital.


  • Robe/Pajamas – I’m excited to wear this robe!
  • 2 pair loose pants – the softest pants ever
  • 2 nursing tops – Just ordered this cami
  • 2 nursing bras – Purchased this bra
  • Pajamas – I’m bringing this sleep shirt
  • Go home outfit if different from above
  • Nursing pads
  • Cardigan
  • Flip flops & slippers
  • Makeup
  • Facewipes, Deoderant, Lotion
  • Shower items (face wash, soap, shampoo, conditioner, razor) – I stocked up on several shower sized items
  • Earth Mama Nipple butter
  • Hair: brush, ties, blow dryer, dry shampoo
  • Toothbrush, paste, mouthwash
  • Tylenol, Tums (heard that some hospitals let you take your own and some do not. They will offer but you also pay for what they give you) / Bringing these items regardless for Chris, if needed
  • Collace (stool softener)
  • Dermoplast (spray numb)
  • Depends/Mesh Panties (I also heard to ask for extra ice pack pads to go home with)
  • Chapstick – heard this was a MUST REMEMBER
  • Essential Oils / Diffuser
  • Your Own Shower Towel – Saw this on Ashley’s List and thought it was a great add!


  • 2 changes of clothes / boxers / socks
  • Sweats and hoodie / pajamas
  • Shirt for in hospital photos – something casual
  • Computer / Tablet for downtime (IF there is any of that)
  • Toothbrush/Deodorant
  • Twin Sheet Set


  • 1 pajamas
  • 1-2 hats – I am loving this hat from Top Knots
  • 1 go home outfit
  • 2 Muslin blankets
  • Swaddle Sets – Love this one from Copper Pearl and this one from Posh Peanut
  • Boppy pillow
  • Car seat (bring in later, not when you first arrive)
  • First picture props
  • Nail clippers
  • Also heard that you should take home as many supplies as you can for the hospital (you are paying for it). Some of our friends told us to bring a separate bag to take home the supplies they bring in each day. I’ll share more on this after she is here and we test out the situation!


  • Snacks (trail mix, granola bars, fruit snacks, cheese its)
  • Snacks / Gifts for the Nurses – I have a few friends who made treats for their nursing staff and thought the idea was really cute and I’ve heard they really appreciate it!
  • Drinks: Gatorade for labor, bottled water, Red Bull (for Dad), Yeti with straw
  • Small extension cord
  • 2 iPhone cords, long if possible
  • Camera / Charger
  • Bin to carry flowers home in
  • Two pillows that we can leave behind (two pack at Target for under $20)

I’m sure there are a few things I’m missing and I’m 100% sure that I will overpack because that’s usually what I do. But honestly, I would rather be safe than sorry! I have this items for baby and me packed in my Delsey Carry On and plan to also bring this monogrammed tote I recently received from Pink Lily Boutique – I’ve used it a few times to go back and forth to Athens and LOVE it!

Can’t wait to introduce y’all to little Miss Collins soon!! Let me know if there is anything I’m missing in the comments below.

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  1. My number one item I wished I had brought was a sound machine. I ended up downloading one on my phone which worked really well….I just couldn’t be one my phone! Good luck mama!

  2. I would leave the Lysol. I think since it’s an air type spray it would be really bad for a baby to breathe in. Snacks are a great idea for you and your husband. 🙂 this was a well thought out hospital bag, looks like a great start! I also like to bookmark bible verses that bring me comfort on my phone bible app. I read through them or have my husband read them out loud for comfort or encouragement. I also like making a birth playlist on YouTube and just stream it 🙂

  3. great list! I ended up with 2 c-sections so I highly recommend an abdominal binder (the hospital will give you one) and for home the belly bandit. I found these really helped hold in my tummy and helped with the pain. I hear they help for vaginal deliveries as well! you really don’t need a whole lot and if you have vaginal delivery you will be in and out within 24 hrs. keep it pretty simple but bring things that will make you comfy! can’t wait for baby pics!

  4. Your list is great. I made my hubby get a plastic container for flower after reading your list! I was due the day before Collins on the 3rd but our Kinsley came a little early! My only suggestion is to leave the breast pads at home so not needed and don’t hesitate to ask for a lactation consultant. It can get frustrating if she doesn’t latch right away. The rest looks good and definitely ask for extra ice packs! They are a god send. Good luck with Collins. I can’t wait to see pics!

  5. Snacks are such a great idea. I would suggest adding snacks like beef jerky or protein bars too. Your husband will love it too and after she’s born you may be super super hungry and the hospital may not be open at the time! I literally couldn’t eat enough. I took a few high protein snacks and wish I had packed more!

  6. Thank you sooooo much for doing this post!! I’m 33 weeks and have been consumed with the thoughts and anxiety of getting my bag ready lately. Finally went out today and was able to use your list to grab things and I already have so much peace of mind!!

  7. Oh I just realized I don’t see blankets on your list. I LOVED having a super soft blanket from home and so did my husband. Just one you get from Costco or Target that are super soft but can be washed easily.

    Also, my friend gave me these little “straight jackets” as my husband and I jokingly referred to them. And they helped keep the swaddle intact in first few weeks and we found she slept longer when wearing.

    Check out this item at Target https://www.target.com/p/swaddleme-174-pod-2-pack-baby-bows-newborn-0-2-months/-/A-17470854

    So excited to see you with your baby soon!!

  8. A few random things we needed once we came home:

    A bin for washing pump and bottle parts (my husband’s job!):


    And we bought a TV tray to hold our drying rack in the bathroom so it wouldn’t take up space on our bathroom counter.


    And extra pacis! It is amazing how those things can disappear. Nothing worse than a moment when you desperately need one in first few weeks and not being able to find any of yours!!

    At my hospital they gave me one of these. I have used it every single day in last three months. You’ll be SO thirsty every time you breastfeed and I never have to refill this in the night! It’s not the cutest but function becomes top priority and I only use it at home 🙂


  9. You are so prepared! I did see that you have nail clippers for the baby. A baby’s skin is still attached to the nail for the first 3-4 weeks. I didn’t realize this and ended up cutting my lo. Oh the horror I felt! Just use a soft Emory board or they are also surprisingly easy to simply peel. If all else fails, invest in clothes with hand covers or keep her in the little mittens you have!

  10. I would also encourage you to bring your own bath towels! Nothing feels better than taking a shower after the baby- and something as simple as big, soft towels (compared to the small, not-so-soft hospital towels) can make a huge difference!

  11. OMGosh so cute!!!! Everything is perfect for little Collins!!! I know you’re probably sick of comments and suggestions but we had that nail clipper and it was so difficult to use!! I love the little Martins one, its super small for their teenie tiny fingers!! Moms on Call as a great method to trim their nails!! We did this and did it while she was awake so she would never create a phobia against nail trims. Our daughter is now 5 months old and doesn’t move when I trim them, it takes 30 secs to get all ten!! Look up Moms on Call!!! So many great things from them- it was a life saver for us first time parents!! 🙂 Congratulations!!!!

  12. I think I saw it in the picture, but not on your list – a couple of different types of pacifiers for baby! I forgot them and they didn’t give them out at my hospital (claimed it would be bad for breastfeeding…NOT true, at least for us!). Brand new babies (and parents!) should use whatever they can to keep their sanity, so pacifiers can be helpful! And since you don’t know what they will take to, a couple of options is good to have! Best of luck to you!!

  13. Yaaassss to 12 Red Bulls for Chris. JB fell asleep when I was having Connor and he was snoring sooo loud on a chair just out of my reach. I got sooo mad and yelled at him to wake up and threw pens at him within my reach. (I mean, I’m over here feeling like I’m DYING from contractions and you are sawing logs?! NOPE! Not cool.) He startled awake fast and says, “What? Did the baby come?!”. ***If eyeballs could murder a person this is what those next moments looked like of me staring at my husband.***

  14. Hi Loverly!! I adore you. We have the same due date. I’m having a boy! I packed similar to you, funny I also bought the same maternity bra and nightshirt.
    What are you using the diffuser for? Which oils are you taking. I’ve never used a diffuser before

  15. Unless you have amazing insurance that will cover 100% absolutely take your own meds. Once you look at an itemized hospital bill and realize you paid $50.00 for Tylenol, you will be sick! The only other (non essential) item if you have room in your bags, I like having my wireless speaker, we played music on low during the day just to drowned out the hospital noise, and used it for white noise at night.

  16. A friend told me to bring my own toilet paper with my first and I’m so glad I listened! The soft one I brought was so much gentler for all the post birth lady part stuff going on down there than the hospital toilet paper. ?

  17. Don’t listen to anyone saying you don’t need to take any of your own medications. No, you don’t have to take the medications with you from home because the hospital will give them to you, but hospitals DO bill your insurance for those basic medications. I’d say to check with the mother/baby unit at your hospital just in case, but as long as you tell them you refuse the medication they’re offering and show them that you’re taking your own, it should be fine. If you even wanted to buy brand new, sealed bottles of things and show them you’re opening them to take, that will be more than sufficient.

  18. A lot of hospitals will make you a keepsake of the baby’s footprints. Bring some extra card stock, have them make an extra copy (or several) and you have something to frame in the nursery or give to the grandparents as a gift.

  19. A smallish stand up mirror so you don’t have to get up to do makeup/groom in the bathroom. A night light. Those little Colgate Wispy toothbrushes in case you have a long labor and don’t want/can’t get up to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

  20. I am curious what your go home outfit is?! Are you planning on the joggers? I want to be cute, but am considering joggers and cardigan because Im not sure Im gonna want normal clothes or tight yoga pants! 🙂

  21. Go with black bottoms because the pads they give you are HUGE and there’s all the blood- so I just felt safer in black. I also liked tight legging/yoga pants over looser pants because it held everything up and in- lol! Good luck and you got this mama!

  22. Bring lollipops or hard candy since they’ll probably let you have it while you’re in labor and your mouth may get dry! TJoes has the best organic lollipops! Also, definitely bring an extra (packable ) bag and a folder for all the stuff they give you that you don’t want getting bent! Congrats and get excited! Labor is empowering!

  23. You don’t need the depends or mesh, take them all from the hospital they are the best. Plus stock up on them to bring home. Same for the dermablast, they will supply you with that and you can take it all home.

    I would bring a short sleeve nightgown just Incase your hospital is warm, for some reason they tend to be on the warmer side. I also brought a small fan I was able to attach to my bed for when I was sweating during labor. Also for labor I brought a heating pad to help with the pain in my back AND this is HUGE……..a paint roller! I know sounds crazy but it saved my husbands hands during the contractions. He would roll the paint roller on my lower back while applying pressure and it helped me get thru the contractions! They recommended this during our birthing class and we forgot. My dad and brother ran to Home Depot while I was in labor and bought the whole store supply of paint rollers ? Also ice pops. Your husband can put them in the freezer on your floor with your name on them. During labor I was allowed to have ice pops and Gatorade the entire time. Best of luck to you ❤️

  24. Everyone is correct about the meds and the hospital definitely doesn’t let you eat or drink anything once you go into labor. I believe I could only have ice chips and something else they provided. They are super strict on this which sucks if you’re in labor for a long time, for me it was 27 hours, yikes! Also, the mesh undies they give you at the hospital aren’t pretty but man they are great, you may use the depends once you get home but most likely isn’t necessary. I asked for extra mesh undies and took them home and maybe used them the first day and then your own undies are more comfy. Just stock up on the pads for home (they will also give you plenty at the hospital too). I took a big ol bag of stuff and the only things I used for myself were my nursing items, change of clothes, slippers, and my toiletries. I used nothing I had brought for baby except her outfit to go home in. Remember, wether you use it or not, they are charging you for it. TAKE IT ALL HOME! I asked for extra diapers and even formula each day and stocked up to take home!! Hoping for smooth sailing on your birthing journey!!! Can’t wait to see Collins!

  25. It will depend on the type of labor you are planning (I ended up having a c-section but had planned on a few items for labor) a speaker to play music while laboring and tennis balls to help with massage. I would personally recommend you buy your own heavy flow pads. The ones from the hospital are very bulky and while free—I really wish I would have brought much nicer ones to put in my mesh underwear! Also, just a tip-we were told to make sure our pillowcases weren’t white so they didn’t get mixed up with the hospitals! And change for vending machines!

  26. Get some of the reusable breast pads from bamboobies! They are soo soft! The disposable ones were so scratchy on my already sore, new breastfeeding tatas!!! Seriously- game changer!

  27. A note on the underpants- I went to Target and got black mesh ones. They were a life saver in helping to keep everything in place, made me feel human, and are super easy to wash or throw away!

  28. Ok so…based on what you packed I assume you’ll be taking a stab at breastfeeding. My biggest recommendations are the following:

    -Request a prescription for All Purpose Nipple Ointment as soon as you get there…the other nipple butters did NOT help but this was a godsend in helping heal the cracked/bleeding and extremely painful area….sorry to scare you 🙂
    -Get this gift set…the everter was EVERYTHING for us: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lansinoh-Breastfeeding-Starter-Set-Contains-24-disposable-Nursing-Pads-1-LatchAssist-Nipple-Everter-2-TheraPearl-Packs-1-HPA-Lanolin-Tube-0-25-oz/148690151?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227071715355&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=181743457607&wl4=pla-286908659028&wl5=1027116&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=148690151&wl13=&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqOiR-J3h3wIVxoCfCh3vegleEAQYASABEgLLn_D_BwE
    -Finally, ask for some nipple shields to help with latching or buy them and bring them yourself. We loved this brand but the hospital also had some for us since we hadn’t packed them: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lansinoh-Nipple-Shield-20mm/917856065

    And pack a portable speaker…play some spa music and get your zen on! Everyone in my room said it felt more like a spa experience because I had some gentle music playing during and after birth. It was super calming in an otherwise crazy place!

  29. Bring a white noise machine or download a white noise app! The hospital can be noisy and this will help drown out some of the hallway activity. Helps baby sleep too!

  30. Also! You can get super cute hospital gowns online to wear so you’re not wearing standard issued gown in pics!

  31. Take your favorite hand soap also! The stuff in the hospital smells so medicine-ey and with all the visitors coming in to wash hands before holding the baby, you’ll get sick of that smell!!

  32. Everything looks great and you will be so surprised just how quickly the time in the hospital will go by. You won’t need nail clippers for the baby just yet. The fingernails are actually like skin for the first two weeks after being born. No need to trim them…it will actually hurt their tiny, little fingers. Save those at home and use them once the dust settles in a few weeks 🙂 Just a little tid-bit from one new mom to another <3

  33. Medela SoftShells (or other brand)! These may be more helpful than the nursing pads for cracked/leaking nipples. The pads tend to stick and can cause more pain.
    Best wishes for a healthy and quick delivery!

  34. I work as a nurse in the hospital , not on the mother baby side but in medical surgical, and patients are not allowed to have medications with them (including Tylenol and tums) so just make sure you check with the hospital protocol and rules! Just don’t want you to have bring more stuff than you need. Nurses have easy access to both of those medications and if the doctor agrees can give you those when you need them. Everything you take has to be recorded and scanned through a electronic medication record. I could be wrong too because I have not had a baby yet or worked in that department so I would be interested in knowing the answer!

  35. Totally agree with another commenter – don’t worry about taking meds! They have that all there (plus their antacids are the BOMB!) I personally couldn’t deal with Depends, but the mesh panties they give you at the hospital are amazing. Take all that you can! Same with the ice packs + dermoplast. Every hospital is a little bit different but I know once I was officially admitted and laboring, no snacks or drinks were allowed for me except water and ice chips. BUT you’ll be super glad you have the Gatorade for after she’s born because it helps with milk supply surprisingly!

  36. 100% take the light colored panties OUT and switch for all black! The postpartum situation ain’t pretty LOL

  37. I just had my second baby boy 3 weeks ago, so it is still very fresh in my mind. Definitely agree with the person below about medications. My nurses had a time schedule to give me all of those medications. I’m not 100% on this, but I think if you breastfeed then ibeprophin is better for baby than Tylenol? I still brought tucks and the numbing spray though. I honestly lived in my hospital gown both times. This last time I bought and packed cute outfits for myself, but was so sore and nurses were constantly needing to check out stiches that it just wasn’t worth having to mess with pants lol. I tried to wear a robe after my shower, but it ended up getting ruined (I’ll spare you the gory details). You will dogreat mamma! I cannot wait to see pics of that precious baby girl! ?

  38. The only thing I would recommend is Big underwear…I’m sure that sounds really funny but I only wear thong underwear and if you have a natural delivery then the area is very swollen and will require those ice packs and you will need something to hold the ice packs in place. The hospital gave me some but I loved bringing some of my own as well. (I’ve had 3 and will deliver my 4th in March) Leggings also help hold everything in place as well! Blessings on your new arrival!!

  39. I highly recommend sticking with the mesh undies they give you at the hospital. They are super stretchy and you throw them away each day. I didn’t want to ruin my own! Once you get home you should be able to switch back to your regulars.

  40. Bring a night light!! I ordered a battery operated one on Amazon and I’m so glad I did. The plugs are far away from the bed so definitely get one with batteries. The hospital lights are so harsh and bright and you need light throughout the night.

  41. Medela SoftShells (or other brand). These may be more helpful if you have cracked/leaking nipples. The pads tend to stick and cause even more pain. Best wishes for a safe and fast delivery!

  42. Eeeek! I’m 5 months pp (today actually! Soak up all those newborn snugs because it goes too fast ?) and packing my hospital bag was something I was SO excited to do! You will be surprised how much of this you won’t use though. I packed nursing pads and nipple cream but my milk didn’t come in until about a week pp so keep that in mind! Did you check with your hospital to make sure you can use a diffuser? Our hospital wouldn’t allow it because of possible reactions someone coming in and out might have. I ABSOLUTELY agree with Depends. They’ll save your life because the mesh undies? They’re awful and don’t hold diddly squat ?? they’ll give you all kinds of “goodies” like extra pads, dermoplast spray and ice packs if you ask. It’s the bomb. Something I’d absolutely recommend getting is the Fridet by Fridababy. It’s a LIFE CHANGER , girl. So much better than the traditional peri bottle. Also, I’m not sure about your hospital but ours only provided dry, cotton wipes and we had to use the peri bottle to wet them…bring your own wipes for sure! But diapers and all the other goods they’ll provide so take advantage and bring those bad boys home!!

    Sorry this comment was so long but pregnancy and birth are actually my favorite ??

  43. Hey. I worked OB as an RN for about 15 years…they will give you some “pretty” mesh panties after you deliver. They’re like one size fits all so you don’t have to ruin your nice panties. They should also give you Dermoplast and most doctors order Colace…but it’ll be nice to have those at home! Get some good baby stain remover spray for those diaper blow outs once you’re home!! That was a clothes life saver when my babies were, well, babies! ❤❤ Best of luck!!

  44. Great list! I would pack an extra outfit for Collins to go home in, as my daughter spit up all over hers right before we were about to leave. Also, bring your own pillows for you and Chris, the ones at the hosputal are so uncomfortable. Congrats!

  45. Ask if your hospital has hair driers! Mine didn’t and I went with wet hair after my first. Brought one with me with my second! Good luck!

  46. Baby Frida has a product called the Fridet momwasher. It’s so wonderful in those first few weeks after delivery for you. Target and amazon both carry it and I can’t recommend it enough!

    • I second this! The need for a good peri bottle is something NO ONE tells you until it’s time to actually use one. I was stuck with the hospital peri bottle after delivering my first baby. When packing my bag for Baby 2 I made sure to bring the Fridet mom washer with me and it’s soooo much better!

  47. You don’t need to take any medications – the hospital will provide all of that for you on a very timely schedule. They will give you a multivitamin, a stool softener and some type of pain med (I never took more than 800 mg ibuprofen with my 4 but they will offer stronger!). Hospitals are funny about outside meds being brought in – liability issues. They will also give you script before you leave for additional meds. The stool softener is a life saver as is the Dermoplast!!! And yes – take home ALL the baby supplies ( don’t forget the nose bulb!) – the little bottles of baby sip and lotion are great for travel!!