If you have followed me for any amount of time, you know I love a good sale. I typically buy everything on sale or at a discounted price. I’ve shopped this way since I was in high school and don’t see that changing any time soon. Along with my love for a good sale, comes my love for designer handbags.
I’ll never forget the first time I purchased my first Louis Vuitton. I was working my first job out of college and had my eyes set on the LV Palermo. I saved up my money for a few months and went to the store to make my big purchase. This event was really fun for me but I quickly realized I could have just as much fun saving up for a handbag and making this purchase in a much smarter way through a handbag resale company.
Since that first purchase, I have only made one other large purchase of a designer bag in store. Every other purchase has been through a resale shop. You still get the designer bag, most of the time almost brand new, for a fraction of the price!
Have you noticed the new (to me) Chanel bag I’ve been carrying around? This bag has been on my dream handbag list for as long as I can remember. Well, I was recently introduced to StockX, which is the worlds’s first stock market for things – a “bid/ask” marketplace. Basically, I found this Chanel handbag on their site and placed a bid. Once my bid was accepted from the buyer – all through StockX – my new handbag was on it’s way to me! I couldn’t believe how easy the process was.
I personally shop on StockX for their designer handbags but they have several other items/things you can buy including watches and sneakers.
I love that you don’t ever have to worry about getting a fake StockX really works hard to authenticate each bag and will not send it to you unless it’s perfect and just as described! They do all the work for you so once you hit BUY, you just sit back and relax.
I am constantly watching the prices of a few handbags. I personally like to set savings goals for myself for handbags but watching the market allows me to know what prices I should be aiming to save for. If you work hard, you deserve to treat yourself with a little something every now and then. Since designer handbags are what I like to save for, shopping them at a more affordable rate makes reaching my goals that much easier!
Photos by KVC Photography
Thank you for stopping by! Today’s blog post is in partnership with StockX. All opinions and reviews are my own.
[…] I kept the accessories simple with nude pumps, black tassel earrings and my new Chanel bag from Stock X. Speaking of this bag – I just added a new video to my YouTube Channel sharing more details on this bag and how you can shop designer for less! You can also read more about it in last week’s blog post. […]
Were you able to see multiple pics of your bag? I’m lusting over an LV but I don’t see multiple pics? Is this the actual bag or they’ll send me pics of the actual bag once it gets to them?
Oh em gee!! Never heard of it!! Thanks for sharing all your great finds!! My pocketbook truly appreciates it!!
What a cool site, I didn’t know StockX exited! I love that they verify the items for authenticity. I can imagine this being great for shoes too… 🙂